Forest School

Forest School is a unique educational process offering hands-on experiences in a woodland setting.

It provides learners with the freedom to explore, play, manage risks, create and collaborate, whilst developing essential physical, social, emotional and communication skills and increasing in confidence and self-esteem.

Regular sessions over a period of time enable learners to extend their skills as part of a supportive community led by qualified Forest School leaders.

This flexible approach supports all learners, including those with additional learning, behavioural or emotional needs. A classroom without walls creates new opportunities and experiences each time a group visits. The Forest school ethos mirrors growth mindset ideas, helping to create self-aware, resilient, resourceful, reflective learners who have the ability to work alone or with others.

A Forest School programme offers the following benefits:

  • Motivation and engagement
  • Ability to assess and manage risk
  • Emotional intelligence and wellbeing
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Social skills and teamwork
  • Resilience and perseverance
  • New skills and interests
  • Fresh air and physical activity in all weathers
  • Connection and understanding of our place in nature​

​​How some schools timetable Forest School

We understand that fitting Forest School into your curriculum can be tricky to achieve. The schools we work with recognise the benefit of regular, long term Forest School and many work with us across the whole academic year.

These are some of the different ways local schools are timetabling their Forest School sessions...

Whole school (small school) - All year round

  • Weekly 2 hour session - Each class gets two consecutive sessions on a rotating carousel (12 sessions over the year)
  • 1 full day every 3 weeks - Each class gets two sessions of Forest School/ half term
  • Weekly one hour session - Each class has a session fortnightly

One class/year group

  • One full term (12 weeks) - Weekly 2 hour session
  • One half term each term - Weekly 2 hour session (18 weeks over the year)

One class

  • One full term (12 weeks) - Weekly 2 hour session

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