Our Woodland Site

We are very lucky to have a beautiful and varied woodland to explore. The 55 acres of land belongs to Helen's family and was originally bought by her grandfather who ran a tree nursery and created a series of ponds there. The woodland is now used for firewood production (Birkmere Woodlands).

With the help of our volunteers, we have created four special sites which we use at different times of the year so as to minimise our impact. Each site has a different feel and they provide varied opportunities for nature discovery and outdoor activities.

  • Birch Basecamp
  • Spruce Corner
  • Gruffalo Wood
  • Fir Corner

Three sites have a shelter and fire circle. Each site has log seating for groups of up to 30 participants. Site boundaries are marked with ropes and fences. We have two compost loos for groups to use and we provide warm water for hand washing. 

Access to the two main sites is along gravel paths. We are working towards making Birch Basecamp accessible for wheelchair users. There is a car park just inside the entrance gates with space for approximately 15 cars. Wide grass verges at the entrance on Potter’s Lane can also be used if the car park is full.